Saturday, February 27, 2010

When the earth trembles

We have been experiencing an unusual amount of Earthquakes...

(Data from the US Geological Survey site)
This is 5 significant earthquakes in what... less than 7 weeks. Being a California Resident... I'm kind of concern because we are due for a major earthquake... if an 8.8 earthquake hits L.A. I just can't imagine what we could do.

That said, I wanted to share the earthquake predictions based on plate activity, etc. for California. 
* On March 1st there is a High Probability for an earthquake in East Central California near Bishop.
* On March 2nd there is again a High Probability from Mammoth to Los Angeles/Long Beach/Lompoc.
These predictions are for this Monday and Tuesday, so not to cause panic or anything but is better to be prepared and be aware of what may happen. Have your earthquake packs ready, water stored up, and have an emergency bag all ready to go... you never know...

Well, I hope nothing bad happens to us, and may God Bless America and all the other countries too.

Until next time, eat fruit, be safe and be prepared.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

1st Street Food Festival in L.A.

Yes, On a sunny Saturday afternoon (the 13th of February) the 1st Street Food Fest took place in L.A. downtown and I was there with Jenn and Leo. It was such a fun event! Sure there were long lines under the burning sun, but people kept their spirits up, I made many friends while waiting on line...
I made a little video to share our journey, I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Found a cool song for this approaching valentine's day

In my weekend roams thru YouTube I came along this young new California artist that had a really great video for her single Valentine. You can find her video on youtube or on her website by clicking on the image above. I encourage you to check out the video... I know... I know... I'll embed the video here too, but trust me... it is a nice soft, relaxing tune that seems to be so authentic and filled with feeling.
Well you guys take care and until my next post.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sta Monica

I was walking around Sta Monica while waiting for my car's maintenance... and I found a cool bar (which was closed as it was morning) but its entrance was great so I took a Photograph and I managed to get me in the picture too ;) jaja

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Library (a poem)

Silence. The reading is intense
still books
trapped in brown cells
A Bubble of concrete
encapsulates the moment
some fall asleep
others just read
in silence...
'Library is closing in fifteen minutes'
the old lady yells
with a non-enthusiastic tone.
Lights go away. Slowly. Noise rises.
The books scream
I remain sit, starring at my watch.
Outside the wind assails
the standing trees and me.
In the darkness I struggle along the path
One hand holds my keys, the other my bag
Copyright © 2009

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Michael Jackson

Like many other people I grew up listening to Michael Jackson and rehearsing dances for school in the evenings when I was little =)
Anyways, I was watching the super bowl, found a photo in the web that I thought was okay, and I simply did a couple of things to make it a bit better... nothing great, but I thought I upload it anyways...
Here is before and after.

When did Peru get all fucked up? - Responsabilidad Social Todos

A video in spanish created by a firm trying to change the mentality of peruvians... I think it is a positive thing, and I can see how most of latin america suffers from similar problems...

I think is very interesting, and I support this positive movement. So...  I now insert an X-Ray of the peruvian society...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

my first Biz Card Design

Yes, i went to a Peruvian courier office to send some stuff to Peru... and then I don't know how I ended up designing business cards (front and back) for a mexican man that had a catering service... The design they had done for him was ... I can't describe how bad it was... simply horrible with bright oranges and yellows and big fonts with weird strokes and effects that made it practically impossible to read the information... I couldn't stand it... and I designed their cards apparently for free...  but hey, they were very happy and offered my mom a free skin treatment session! good deal for my mom, right? :)

Anyways, here is my design... 2 Hrs... front and back and for the back i probably spent 10 mins... as I was tired... lol

Friday, February 5, 2010

Street Like look

I gave this a different treatment... I was seeking a rough break dance / bad guys look... and I think I'm pretty close to it...
I was fixing my dentist's personal laptop and scans were taking forever, so I dived into photoshop while listening to some MJ tunes...

Designing for weddings

I haven't done any wedding art, so this is my warm up... Mike wants something different than this, but I did this just to get in the swing of things... The original was a bit blurry and not straight enough...
If you look closely i turned this into a painting and added some warm filters and removed the lens blur... etc., etc.